Thursday 19 November 2020

Buddy Search String in Japanese・相棒の検索キーワード

 In the English version of Pokemon GO, you just search for "buddy5", or "buddy2-4" etc. for lower levels, to find your best buddies. Since my phone is set to Japanese, Pokemon GO is also in Japanese and the word for buddy (which is 相棒) does not work. The Japanese sites that list search terms for Pokemon GO also usually do not list this. I first had to dig it out of a list of translated strings for Pokemon GO that someone had dumped on GitHub... Anyway, the term is 相棒を選ぶ5 (which means "select a buddy 5"). The numbers work as expected, so 相棒を選ぶ1-4 gives the buddies that are not yet best buddies but have some progress etc.



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