Tuesday 24 November 2020

Fix when GBL or the Battle Menu does not Open・バトルリーグやバトルのメニュー全体が開かない直し方

When playing Pokemon GO PvP today, for one of the first games in "Catch Cup" the matchmaking bugged out. I was matched with another player but a lot of time passed without the battle actually starting. After some time, the screen turned white for awhile and then black for awhile, and then the "Time Up" notification popped up and the game locked up. 

今日ポケモンGoの対戦したら、マッチングがバグった。あるトレーナーとマッチングされたがバトルがなかなか始まらなかった。しばらく経ったら、画面が真っ白。から真っ黒。そして、「Time Up」のメッセージが出て、ゲームがフリーズした。

After restarting the game, the game tried to reconnect to the battle, but failed. And then tried to reconnect to the battle again and failed again. Over and over. Between blinking in and out of trying to restart the battle, it was possible to catch pokemon etc. but suddenly the screen would blank out and try to go back to the battle again. Most things in the game kind of worked, but the battle menu did not open. Logging in on another phone made the game work fine, but logging in on my own phone again brought the problems back again.


After looking for solutions, it was suggested that doing a battle with a friend would solve this problem. Using the friend list to send a battle invitation, I battled a friend and then the game was back to normal again. So if your game gets stuck in some weird error state for PvP battles, try doing one battle with a friend, using the friend list to send the battle invitation. Maybe doing a Rocket battle also works?


Thursday 19 November 2020

Fix when Pokemon GO Shop is Completely Blank・ポケモンGoのショップが真っ白、直し方

 Recently when I played Pokemon GO, the in-game shop went completely blank. The only thing in the shop was the X-button to close the shop and return to the game. I tried using a different phone, but that did not help, and a friend could use the shop just fine on my phone so it seemed to be related to my account.


Most sites that claimed to have a fix for this suggested restarting the app, logging out and logging in again, clearing the app data, or uninstalling and reinstalling the app. The two latter suggestions remove all your battle parties and the remembered Team Go Rocket setups you have, so that is not very pleasant. Some people said that just waiting for a long time helped for them (like, the shop loaded after 5 minutes of staring at the white shop). Some people mentioned that they tried all of the above and nothing worked.


The solution that worked for me was mentioned by the user "format" at this site: https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/q-a/shop-bug-how-fix He mentions that the problem is often caused by "lag" (probably some kind of sync problem between the client and the Niantic server?) and that the solution to all lag problems is to open your journal (loading the journal syncs/refreshes everything for your account). It worked for me, so if you have problems with the shop not loading, try clicking your character portrait (to open your character profile) and then clicking on the journal. After looking at your journal, open the shop again and hopefully everything is fine again.


So, in summary, just open your journal. This has no bad side effects (like removing your battle parties or changing your "Use Niantic AR" settings), and it is very quick and easy to do so you might as well try this before doing anything else.

Friend Search Strings in Japanese・フレンドの検索キーワード

In the English Pokemon GO, you can search for "!interactable" (already had some friend interaction todays, so there is a good chance they have opened a gift from you today) or "interactable&!lucky" (friends who you have not yet interacted with and who are not already lucky friends, so it may be worth opening gifts from these friends). It took me quite some time to figure out what the corresponding search terms in Japanese are, because no one in Japan seems to know they exist so they are not listed on the Japanese Pokemon GO sites. But they are インタラクト (the term corresponding to interactable, the one nobody knows about) and キラ ("kira", the word corresponding to "lucky" for friends and pokemon).


Buddy Search String in Japanese・相棒の検索キーワード

 In the English version of Pokemon GO, you just search for "buddy5", or "buddy2-4" etc. for lower levels, to find your best buddies. Since my phone is set to Japanese, Pokemon GO is also in Japanese and the word for buddy (which is 相棒) does not work. The Japanese sites that list search terms for Pokemon GO also usually do not list this. I first had to dig it out of a list of translated strings for Pokemon GO that someone had dumped on GitHub... Anyway, the term is 相棒を選ぶ5 (which means "select a buddy 5"). The numbers work as expected, so 相棒を選ぶ1-4 gives the buddies that are not yet best buddies but have some progress etc.



Wednesday 18 November 2020


This is intended to be my collection of notes of useful tips for Pokemon GO, so I know where to find stuff that I know I have seen somewhere but forgotten the details about (for example, "what is the search term to find best buddies in the Japanese search interface?"). In this first post I will quickly introduce myself.


I live in the city of Sapporo, in northern Japan. This is an OK place to play Pokemon GO (I can see 20 pokemon gyms from home), but way behind Tokyo or other big cities further south. I also visit my parents in Sweden from time to time. That is not a very good place to play (I can see one pokestop from my parents' home), though if you go into downtown Stockholm it is OK.


I started playing Pokemon GO when my friends where giving me a lift back from the Otaru fireworks festival in 2016 and the car was stuck in traffic for hours. The other passengers spent the trip catching pokemon and more or less forced me to install the game too, haha. 


I got to level 40 on August 10, 2017, so it took me one year and 10 days to get to level 40.


My last pokemon to complete the non-regional pokedex (before they started adding lots of new pokemon) was Porygon, from an egg. The second to last was Aerodactyl, a wild catch in Tokyo on my way back from some work trip. My last gold badge (before they added lots of new badges) was the Fisherman (XL Magikarp) badge, on September 15, 2017.


I have kept playing fairly actively ever since, but compared to the hardcore players I am a slacker. Several of my in-game friends unfriended me because they thought I was too casual, haha. I walk a lot, so the total distance walked is often higher than that of other random people in raid lobbies, but I have very low XP (I stopped caring about XP long before 100 million, and I do not raid very much), and not very many catches. The reason I was unfriended by the more hardcore friends was my low number of catches. They had about 5 times more than me at the time. Though they also had 100,000 battles won and I had only about 25,000 battles won at that time, I think.


I am not very good at PvP, but I did manage to reach rank 10 in season 1, and I was on the leaderboard for three days with 332 being my highest placement.


Fix when GBL or the Battle Menu does not Open・バトルリーグやバトルのメニュー全体が開かない直し方

When playing Pokemon GO PvP today, for one of the first games in "Catch Cup" the matchmaking bugged out. I was matched with anothe...